Mark Hay Realty Group

Video gives us an immediate tap into a market differentiation.

We actually used Videocraft in two productions. Both the DVD and video, and the business that we gained from it has being outstanding.

Videocraft produced an excellent product.

The feedback has been: Yes, it's been very good, to the point, professional - and once again, sets us apart.

(Mark Hay - Principal, Mark Hay Realty Group)

We actually used Videocraft in two productions; one was a video for investments seminars, the other one was for a marketing DVD to help us gain more business through our clientele.

Video gives us a immediate tap into a market differentiation; there's very few agencies in our industry that use that form of media. Also, we find it very beneficial to be able to give a video or a DVD to our clients as something of worth and finally, because we are very unique in producing those videos and DVDs, we've actually made that format part of our website, so it shows a point of difference for us as well.

So it's been very instrumental in providing a high profile for both our investment base and also the vendors we represent.

Videocraft produced an excellent product. We've had a lot of feedback from the people that have viewed this; both the video and the DVD.

Reflecting on the cost of what it was to produce these items; both the DVD and video and the business that we gained from it has being outstanding.

The proof's in the pudding. We've been using the investment video for over six or seven years now, the DVD for the last couple of years and both of those have gone within the thousands, so obviously it's doing its job very well.

It gives a very good corporate feel to both our industry, our firm and indeed the people that work with in this firm. The feedback has been; yes, it's been very good, to the point, professional - and once again, sets us apart.

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10 September 2012
By DomainAdmin