Brambles Industrial Services

The production itself was outstanding; the quality was excellent.

If you get it right first time, which we've done with Videocraft, it's something that can be with you for years on end.

In our instance we actually did it as a successful practice, which has been released globally.

It's certainly value for money. It's paid for itself over and over again.

(Mark Heuwen - Marketing Manager, Recall)

Right from the start it was a pretty complicated exercise. I knew in my mind what I wanted but it was hard to relay the message of exactly the requirements to Videocraft itself. But I can assure you that having worked with the team there it was easy to relay the messages. They asked the right questions and the end product is exactly what I wanted, if not a better production than I ever expected.

What we were doing was promoting Zero Harm and Safety Best Practices within the business - and safety is a big message. If you get it right first time, which we've done with Videocraft, it's something that can be with you for years on end. You know, like you can use the message to relay every month at toolbox sessions, or regularly, quarterly, annually - whatever. It just allows flexibility in terms of the delivery, the times to deliver and also, as far as the person that's delivering the production; they just don't need to be a powerful speaker at all. The video has the message and it's a great way of relaying the message that you want to get across to all of your staff.

And just from the other divisions, from just other areas within the business, they see this medium as a very powerful tool moving forward as far as business is concerned.

The production itself was outstanding, the quality was excellent. It's certainly value for money. It's paid for itself over and over again.

As far as the production side of things is concerned, it was certainly much cheaper than we expected, but also just the value in terms of being able to reuse the material - to spread the material. In our instance we actually did it as a successful practice, which has been released globally. So that the footage itself is being used worldwide and for the cost of the exercise is absolutely minimal, and the impact was huge.

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10 September 2012
By DomainAdmin