City of Belmont

Videocraft translated our brief exceptionally well. The video absolutely communicates our message.

The quality of the video was excellent. It really brought our marketing strategy to life.

When I see a group of people at an event like the Mayoral Dinner stop just short of a standing ovation I think that's a great tribute to our video

(Stuart Cole - CEO City of Belmont)

Videocraft produced a promotional video to support the City of Belmont's marketing strategy, which was the City of Opportunity.

The idea of the video was to capture many of the very positive images that Belmont could present and present those in a manner that supported the marketing strategy.

The quality of the video was excellent. It really bought (sic) our marketing strategy to life. I was amazed as to how much detail goes into capturing images. It's not a case of just putting a camera there; the effort to go into getting all those things right was fantastic and that really shows up in the final product and I can only see the final product as outstanding.

The video has been a great tool to enable us to change people's perceptions about Belmont and that's certainly the feedback that we've had.

When people have seen a very professional package of vision that really presents all Belmont's positive factors, it really has made a difference to the profile of our organisation.

Video brings things to life. The visions that a video brings you are real, they're lively, people can relate to it. It's very entertaining, it's very easy to watch, and it really does put our message across very, very clearly.

The video absolutely communicates our message, and when you watch our video I think it tells a great story about where the City of Belmont is heading.

When I see a group of people at an event like the Mayoral Dinner stop just short of a standing ovation I think that's  a great tribute to our video.

Videocraft translated our brief exceptionally well. We spent considerable time prior to filming in translating what we hoped to get  out of the video and what we would like the end product to produce and Videocraft certainly produced that end product and communicated our message very well.

Watch Testimonial Video

10 September 2012
By DomainAdmin